Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Act Belong Commit

Ive always heard that slogan, ive seen the tv adverts and ive thought, hmm that sounds good, wish that was me, wish i was acting belonging and committing but to tell you the truth i just dont feel like it or know where to start...

Then the government gave me a gift, a rather large gift infact they gave me the biggest and most beautiful gift anyone ever could...

They gave me my mind back, my sane and chemically balanced mind back.

I think i have spoken long and often about the healthy life challenge incentive that they have funded in my shire, i am now just over halfway through the program and have lost 29cm all round in total, and 600g of fat, i know that it does not sound like much, but let me tell you it has changed my life.

I feel like a better mommy, because i am actually getting out of the house every morning, that means my kids get to socialise in creche for an hour or so then i take them to the park and that is the highlight of the day, i have more energy, more patience, and im just happier.

I feel like a better wife, simply because i can think straight now, i can actually not just get angry at every little thing and just be a better friend and therefore we can have a better marriage.

I feel like a better house mamma, man i even cleaned my windows in the kitchen and lounge room a few days ago, i feel like i can plan a cleaning regime, and actually get it done, doing 3 loads of washing a day doesn't feel like an insurmountable chore anymore and i dont feel like everything i do when it comes to house chores is just so emotionally and physically impossible to get on top of.

Please if you are struggling with weight, and if you are struggling with a fuzzy mind, a mind that is angry or just feels not quite right, or if you are just not a happy person, then please please please

ACT- get involved in something that you enjoy, choose something emotional and something physical and get out there and start doing it.

BELONG- actually get into a group or an organisation and then belong to it.

COMMIT- then commit to it, stick to it and see your life change.

If there is anyone out there who needs to talk, who needs some help or advice or just a chat, please e mail me or message me, id love to help you along your journey.

God Bless you 

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