Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Colour Bomb

Hi Y'all
Sorry it has been a little while since i posted but life has been a little hectic in this house, especially with the healthy life challenge still on, plus Tafe for the cake decorating course one night a week, family birthdays galore around this time of year as well, and just generally being a mommy of two boys under two :-)

So i have a 2 and a half year old boy who is just gorgeous, so funny and beautiful to cuddle, as well as feisty, boisterous and Wild. 

As you can imagine capturing his attention for long periods of time can be a bit tricky at times...
He LOVES his toy cars especially monster trucks and can play a while on his own with those, and unfortunately he does love a bit of tv too...

But i love to find a creative activity that lets him loose his artistic side, engage his mind and simply allow him to have FUN and i gotta tell you guys this was a total WINNER!!

As you can see i took a Picture of the stuff i used, which is

Any liquid food colouring you wanna use (For Colouring the shaving cream, and the water and corn flour mix in the squeezy bottle as well as the bath water, cause i put yellow in the bath water to start, then blue in the squeezy bottle so when he squeezed the blue into the yellow it turned green, quick fun science lesson there)

A paintbrush (Just to paint the coloured shaving foam all over the bath)

Popsicle sticks (To stir the colours into the shaving foam)

Shaving Cream (The Best part of the whole experience because Jordan just simply LOVES it, he calls it snow and it is just such a magical element to him)

Corn Flour (Nice to thicken the water and colour mix in the squeezy bottle  not too much cornflour or you will end up with oobelek! An entirely different post, would you like to hear about it?)

Plastic cups (For the shaving cream and the colouring, also to just swish water in after)

A squeezy bottle (For the colouring and corn flour)

Lavander oil (Just because it was an activity that i did before his afternoon sleep and lavender is meant to soothe and relax)

Blowing Bubbles in a bottle (Just for another fun element)

Jordan was so super excited about his activity when i told him about it, he could not wait to get in and after 45 minutes he was still loving every minute, even though his water was now black from all the colours mixing, we had spilled the bubble mix over and all the shaving foam was finished, he was still playing like he could be in the bath another hour or so...

Needless to say you have just GOT to try this.

Have any of you got any keeper activities for toddlers?

Please leave comments because id love to know if you would like more posts like these, also if you tried it and how it went, and just to generally get to know you and do life together!

God Bless Y'all

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