Hello faithful readers i hit the scale this morning, well i didn't really hit it i just stood on it and well YIPEE i am 77kg as of this morning, that was encouraging cause i am 1 KG lighter WHOO HOO.
Must say i would really love it to go faster but had a chat to my healthy life challenge leader about that losing it fast thing today, and well its not such a good idea, and i knew that but i just want to see results NOW, you know what it mean...
This mornings walk was great and Jordan loved the park after, but my house looked like a bomb hit it, there were toys everywhere, two loads of washing to hang out, one more left to wash and 2 loads to fold lying on my unmade bed...
The kitchen was full of unwashed dishes, a full load to unpack in the dishwasher and a drainer full of stuff that was dry and ready to pack away.
The floors were filthy with dust, dirt and left over food residue from "the high chair" and i was feeling so overwhelmed and just the more i looked around the more i felt like I CANT GET ONTOP OF THIS PLACE its just hopeless...
Clutter clutter clutter EVERYWHERE and i felt like i was drowning in it...
I wanted to vacuum but just thinking of how Jesse screams every time that thing goes on i just thought no, no, no, I'm going to bed when these kids go down.
So we did our group walk, then Natalie one of the ladies in our group and i took our boys to the park together, that was nice, then we walked home, watched some Horton hears a Who (Jordan's new Favourite movie)then fed the kiddies lunch then yes you guessed it peaceful sweet sleepy time.
Everyone slept great and then all hell broke lose, long story short Jordan woke up in a mood, threw a 45 minute tantrum of screaming and stamping feet and utter madness because he was not aloud anymore vitamin c because he'd already had his quota for the day, so i took that opportunity to put him back into his cot to scream it out and then i began to CLEAN...
Yes i took the vacuum out and miracles of miracles Jesse just sat there staring at it in fascination not a scream in sight i think God knew i did not need two screaming babies at this point :-)
Then i mopped and cleaned the kitchen and all the toys and by then the screaming boy had found his peace and then daddy came home PRAISE GOD! :-)
And that was my day
Anyone else out there have days like these??
I have days like this almost everyday!!
God Bless Y'all