Sunday, 6 April 2014

Didn't i just pop you out?!?!

Hello Faithful readers

So it was our precious Little Jesse Bears 1st Birthday today what a little Champ!

So anyway i am not sure how much i have shared with you all about my new journey into whole food nutrition, so ill share a little now.

All my life i have eaten sugar and curry and rice and pasta and just generally a lot of processed foods, so after my second baby i got diagnosed with post natal depression and well food became even more of a friend!
I just really loved to eat because when i was eating i felt good, i ate lots and lots of food and even more of sugar, particularly cake! I would love eating it but after i was done i always felt sadder, defeated, lonely, very angry at myself, fat and just really really tired!
Then a friend invited me to a talk on whole food nutrition and there i got introduced to juice plus, ever since that day something really switched in my mind and i was introduced to a new concept, a new release from my food and sugar addiction and invited to join in and share in a community that just will not let you fail and a journey that is so SUPER beneficial to both me and most definitely beneficial for my family!

If you want to know any more just toss me an e mail ill be sure to share as much as you would like to hear

Anyway so this all connects into Jesses Birthday!
So since i am on this brilliant new journey free from sugar i created a board on pinterest and pinned all these AWESOME desserts made from ingredients that will feed life to my body and those trying it and i was so excited to share my new journey with all at the party!

So the night before the party i spent hours preparing nut butters and salted caramel fudge and was up till about 11pm preparing, then in the morning i continued to bake away and baked a blueberry coconut coffee cake and then time came to taste the creations i had made already and so i did and OH BOY, i think its safe to say it was  a DISASTER :-(
I was floored, i was so sad that i was not going to showcase my new journey, and i sad on the couch and was so confused, so flustered and so sad, and then i said Greg what do i do???

He said "Des you are exactly like those people in the finals of master chef, you are right at the crucial point and then you decide to make something you have never made before!" And i thought yeah that is crazy why didn't i just make the raw desserts that i knew were super awesome instead of trying completely new stuff right on birthday party day!! Ha ha ha chalk that one up to LESSON LEARNT :-)

So anyway i promised to share the recipes i tried so i will do that and i will also share the truth about how they tasted, whether it was just because how i made them we will never know because i am not going to be making those again!

I will start a new post for each recipe because otherwise this will be WAY too long

God Bless Y'all!

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