Sunday, 2 February 2014


Hello My faithful and now patient readers

I have been absent from my blogging for a while and to be honest i have been absent from my mind, my exercise and my fitness journey, basically i fell off the wagon...

But good news is i am back and i am back with a vengeance!!

Here is a bit of inspiration for you all and for myself, i listened to a Christian weight loss coach called Jonathan Conneely and boy did he turn my attitude around, here is a bit about what i learnt and i believe if you get it, and then DO IT, it will change your life

Be Blessed, be inspired, START TODAY!

This is me back on track taking my boys for a walk every morning on a roll at the moment, praise God.

In order to achieve WEIGHT LOSS we need to do something.

We need to Create a new vision for your physical body, and that starts in our mind.

MINDSET- we need to develop a new mindset, and this is how we do it.

We need to ask ourselves a question that question is very important it is: 

What is it that I want and WHY do I want that thing that I desire so badly?

I know for me 

I want to be fit for my kids so I can run after them and keep up with them as they get fitter and faster, i have two boys!

I want to love myself again, because right now i sure dont and that is not healthy for my loved ones and definitely not healthy for me.

I want to be a role model for my children and to look good for my husband and myself.

I want to live a life of fitness and health and not sickness and depression.

Write who you are

For me

I am strong and courageous 

I am a winner 

I am in charge of my body 

Here is an insight into someone who believed before he achieved, this is a great example of how we need to think in our minds to make this weight loss journey a reality-

"I am the greatest, I said it before I knew I was. I figured if I said it enough I would convince the world that I really was the greatest -Muhammad Ali 

We need to create The winning MESSAGE in our minds and in our hearts.

It is very important to RECREATE A YES ENVIRONMENT.
YES i can
YES i will
YES today is the day

You have to CONVINCE YOURSELF that you can and you have to Speak as if you already have it.

Faith comes by hearing, start hearing the right things, one good place to hear the right things is from the word of God-

Mark 11:23 Truly, i say to you, whoever says to THIS mountain, be taken up and thrown in to the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

2corinth 4:13 Since we have the same spirit of faith according to what has been written , "i believed, and so i spoke", we also believe, and so we also speak.

Create Your winning confession, talk to yourself everyday in a positive winning way.

Next we need to do something physically to keep us on track:

1. Write your vision and make it plain, 
2. Then claim it and put in three places that you will see everyday and CLAIM it out loud every day and start to see it. 
3. Start to see yourself there.

Think, speak and act as if you already have it!!

Take your I AM and your I WILL statements and write them into a mantra or vision for yourself to claim everyday till the vision becomes you and who you are. 

Win before you win, think, speak and  act as if you are already there. 

Then you have got to Act!

Act by Creating winning Movement.


Get comfortable being Uncomfortable!

We may never feel like getting up early to exercise or choosing the healthy meal option over the non healthy meal but if we always do what we always did we will get what we always got... 

Michael Jordan once said when asked how he got so good "I demanded more out of of myself ON A DAILY BASIS than ANYONE HUMANLY POSSIBLE could ever demand out if me!" That is the winning mindset.

The law of winning - commit and lock in the small simple discipline things that you can change and that You can do every single day to win.
Just make a choice everyday to change something small, so if you want to say it is too windy to walk, change that and say IM GOING not matter what, small choices that will get you there!
Do this so that when you lay your head on the pillow at night you can ask yourself did I win or lose today?

If you want something you've never had you have to do something you've never done!! 

Commitment takes courage.

Take a stand, burn the fear that stops you, burn the doubt, burnt he uncertainty take a stand!!

Not someday I will
No NOT someday I will


Hebrews 12:11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

God Bless Y'all

Lets do this Thing

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