Thursday, 2 January 2014


Hello faithful readers
Dishes Hey...
Yes the infamous pile of dishes after i am done in the kitchen.
 My mom keeps saying "every time you use something wash it straight away that way you don't have a giant pile at the end", and that is very good advice in theory but i am yet to master that skill... Unfortunately i am rubbish at doing each thing as i use it, hence i am staring at a huge pile of dishes at the end and i do not look forward to cleaning them EVER!!

It got me thinking somehow about the fact that we have food on our table three times a day and sometimes more often than that, and then it got me thinking about how i was cleaning the backyard the other day and when i opened the bin to put rubbish in it i was assaulted with the most horrific smell, it was completely putrid...

That then got me thinking about the poor children and unfortunate folk out there that actually dig through the rubbish at the dumps to find something to eat, and i thought about how they would be wading through smells about 10x worse than my backyard bin, also trod-ding through broken glass and many a hazardous item to get something edible.

 I then got to thinking of how grateful i am for those dishes in the sink because those dishes mean freedom from that life, those dishes mean i live a very privileged life, those dishes symbolise what a blessed and fortunate life i have been given and i am truly grateful.

God is good

lets remember to be grateful, even for the things that don't seem like they are a blessing at the time

Take time to reflect, take time to be thankful and take time to thank God for what he has blessed us with

God Bless Y'all

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